
Sunday, August 23, 2009

New England Australia - most popular posts 8

Time for another look at what is popular on this blog. I try to do this regularly because my stats package is limited to the last 100 visits. However, I got sidetracked and it is months since my last review!

With 15 visits, the most popular post has been  Margaret Olley's New England connection, followed on 11 by The Poetry of Judith Wright - South of My Days. The posts about Judith are always popular, but I have been wondering about the hits on Margaret Olley; this has been a new trend.

With 6 visits, Round the New England blogging traps 10- a miscellany came in number three.

Two posts followed, each with 4 visits: Armidale-Kempsey Road - pretty but difficult and Fossicking in New England. The fossicking posts always get hits, but the interest in the Armidale-Kempsey road is new.

Then came four posts, each with three visits:

Looking at this group, no less than five were included in the top group last time.

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