
Friday, October 14, 2011

Round the New England blogging traps 25 - a few writers

New England crimance (crime plus romance!) writer Bronwyn Parry is appearing on a crimance panel at the Melbourne  SheKilda 2011 – Australian Women Crime Writers’ Convention. Bronwyn has also finished the draft of her latest book and is now going through the editing stage (Revisions).

Another New England romance writer, Nicole Alexander, interviews a third New England writer - Cathryn Hein & the power of stories. Born in South Australia’s rural south-east Cathryn’s debut novel, Promises was released last month. She hails from a family of jockeys and admits to growing up horse mad. Now living in Newcastle, Cathryn writes full-time. 

Nicole herself has a rural background, now hailing from north west of Moree. Her blog contains a variety of stories extending well beyond writing.

Armidale writer Jeremy Fisher reports on a variety of upcoming conferences. This includes a call for papers for an Armidale conference. In this case, I have taken the the liberty of repeating the post in full.     

"Where do you think you are? Writing Australia

Arts New England: Centre for Research and Innovation in the Arts will be presenting a symposium on 15 November, 2011, to consider the development of an Australian identity in and through Writing (defined as a process of creativity unlimited by form, linearity or mode). The symposium will explore a range of ways in which Australian writing has evolved and is evolving.

Guest speakers include:

Angelo Loukakis, Executive Director of the Australian Society of Authors, has worked as a teacher, scriptwriter, editor and publisher. He is the author of the fiction titles For the Patriarch, Vernacular Dreams, Messenger, and The Memory of Tides. He has also written a number of non-fiction works, including most recently a book of the SBS television series Who Do You Think You Are? His collection of short stories, For the Patriarch, was winner of a New South Wales Premier’s Literary Award. Angelo Loukakis is a past member of the Literature Board of the Australia Council and chair of the New South Wales Writers’ Centre. He has taught writing, publishing and editing subjects at UTS and the Australian Catholic University. His latest novel, Houdini’s Flight, was released in 2010.

Lisa Heidke, author of Lucy Springer gets even (2009), What Kate did next (2010), and Claudia’s big break (2011). Lisa will speak on the challenges of writing chick-lit.

Sophie Masson, Chair of the Australian Society of Authors and former member of the Literature Board of the Australia Council for the Arts and author of more than fifty novels for young people. A graduate of UNE, Sophie is published in many countries. In 2011 her historical novel, The Hunt for Ned Kelly, won the Patricia Wrightson Prize for Children's Literature in the NSW Premier's Literary Awards, while her alternative history novel, The Hand of Glory, won the Young Adult category of the 2002 Aurealis Awards for Science Fiction and Fantasy. She has also had many books shotrtlisted for various awards, written several novels for adults, and four thrillers for teenagers under the pen-name of Isabelle Merlin. Her short stories and essays have also been extensively published, in print journals in Australia, the UK, USA, and online in many different publications and blogs. Sophie will speak on French-Australian identity

Papers for the symposium are sought on the following themes:

Context and environment

  • Indigenous matters
  • Censorship, legal, moral and ethical problems
  • Expatriate writing
  • Outside looking in, or inside looking out: other tongues and accents
  • Syllabus studies
  • Historiography

Industries, products and production

  • Publishing and its products
  • Writing and new media
  • Popular culture – newspapers, magazines, pulp fiction, TV/film, music, theatre
  • Careers


  • Individual/collaborative/community
  • Technology
  • Shapes/forms/structures


  • Biography/Romance/Horror/Crime etc.
  • Narratives without words
  • Professional writing
  • Advertising/Public relations

In the first instance, submit a 300 word abstract of your proposed paper by 17 October to Dr Jeremy Fisher"

Speaking of Sophie, her blog A la mode frangourou continues to be a delight! For those interested in blogging, Sophie had a post (Food for Thought) on Writer Unboxed about her experiences in creating her blog.

Turning now to another Armidale writer - there are a lot of us!. Denis Wright has been exploring the nature of the Tao in a very good and clearly written series of posts. You will find the first post here. Once there, you can follow the later posts through via the links in the posts.

This one may well be a tad late.

Another New England writer is Hunter Valley based Sharyn Munro who blogs under the title The Woman on the Mountain. Sharyn's latest book, Mountain Trails, was reviewed in these terms in The Adelaide Advertiser Magazine     

‘You may think your neighbours are eccentric, but Munro’s are animals: spotted quolls, possums, wallabies, koalas, snakes, frogs and echidnas to name a few. She describes them in short, often humorous vignettes of her life on the edge of a national park, 90 minutes from the nearest town.

‘Her style is engaging and informal as if telling stories over a cuppa, and her enthusiasm and concern for the creatures are infectious. The stories are illustrated with her own sketches. Munro ends with a restrained but passionate call for action to protect wildlife. As a reminder she includes a list of species already driven to extinction.

‘A good read.’

Sharyn's previous book, The Woman on the Mountain, has largely sold out. However, you can get a copy plus her new book from the publishers at a special combination price.

Well, I have run out of time and I haven't even had a chance to discuss the latest Captain Thunderbolt controversy. More later!  

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