
Monday, October 17, 2011

Rod's Northern Rivers geology blog

I sometimes feel blessed with our fellow bloggers.

A few weeks ago I was driving eldest to work and said that I was trying to learn something about geology. She laughed and rolled her eyes! Geology is not one of her pet interests.

My problem is that I need to learn something about geology to explain elements of New England's life and history. As always by New England I mean the broader New England, not just the Tablelands. So I have been struggling away trying to come to grips with terms, trying to sketch a geological history. Now I have received a message from Rod wondering whether I would be interested in his new blog on the geology of the Northern Rivers.

Interested? I could kiss him on both cheeks! Further, it's not just me that is likely to be interested. I immediately thought of two of my favourite picture bloggers, Gordon on the Tablelands, Mark on the Clarence Valley. Both add background to their photos.

If Rod keeps going, I suspect that he will become a real resource for the rest of us. Rod's blog is Northern Rivers (NSW) Geology. Hey, I will even forgive him for adding NSW in the title!

Rod will probably need to do a bit of educating for the rest of us. Things like simple blind freddy overviews. 

Please visit. In the meantime, I have added the blog to my must read list. 


  1. Hi Jim,
    You are very kind to refer people to my blog. Since I just started I've aimed to a moderate technical level but I hope to have ones that are both more technical but also many introductory ones. I know I could never be as successful as your excellent blog but I guess I've got something to aspire to! I hope that anyone who links from your site is not disappointed.

  2. They won't be, Rod. You will need, I think, to provide some summary material, glossaries, etc to help the non-specialist. Beyond that, just go with the flow.

    If my experience is any guide, the first post on this blog was April 2006, the combination of your own writing with reader feedback will create its own momentum.

    I would be amazed if you don't build a regular readership quite quickly. So long as you post regularly and at your current standard, I think that you might be a little surprised at the results!

  3. I will check it out Jim, thank you.

  4. Hi Jim,

    I've put a blog post together that you might be interested in. It is about the Pleistocene climate of the highlands.


  5. Thanks, Rod. I have left a comment at your place.
