
Wednesday, December 17, 2008

National infrastructure spend - New England universities' share

In The Rudd Government's $A4.7 billion nation building package - New England Projects I reported on the New England infrastructure projects that had received funding under the Commonwealth Government's new infrastructure package. At that stage I had no details of funding under the education component of the package.

NSW universities received $245 million in funding for special identified higher education projects. Of this, $210 million went to the Sydney universities, $35 million to the University of Wollongong.

New England universities did not receive any funding, although in an un-related announcement on the same day, the Commonwealth Government announced that the University of New England would receive $3.544 million as a result of its successful application for funding through the Government’s Diversity and Structural Adjustment Fund.

New England universities will receive funding from the $500 million in general capital funding to be made available from 1 July 2009 to promote teaching and learning. $153.1 million of this will flow to NSW universities in proportion to their student numbers. Of this, New England universities will receive $29.5 million broken up as follows:

University $ million
Newcastle 15
University of New England 7.9
Southern Cross University 6.6

$500 million has also been made available to fund TAFE and community college capital spending. However, this money will be allocated on a competitive basis based upon applications by individual TAFEs or colleges.

Further information on the university funding allocations can be found here, TAFE allocation processes here.

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