
Monday, October 01, 2007

New England Australia - end month review September 2007

As part of my end months review, I looked at the last eighteen posts to come to this blog.

One, a very small number, came as a direct hit. Three came from my other blogs. That left 14 from search engines. So what can we tell here?

The first search, on Google Australia whole web was on patrice newell. This brought the searcher in at 17 to In praise of Patrice Newell. I like this post, which was triggered by my reading of Patrice's book The River.

Patrice lives at Elmood at Gundy. Here there were two Google searches using identical search terms - elmswood gundy nsw. Both searches brought them at number 10 to Secrets of New England - along the Fossickers Way 2, another good post. Mind you, I need to continue this series since everyone has been stuck at Nundle for many months!

Then came a search on Google UK - judith wright aborigine. This brought the visitor in at 6 to The Poetry of Judith Wright - Bora Ring. Another searcher on Google Switzerland on bora ring rider's heart found the Bora Ring post at number one. Then there was a third search on Google Australia, this time on judith wright poetry. This found both the Bora Ring post, this time at 29 and then at 28 The Poetry of Judith Wright - South of My Days.

The Judith Wright posts are a major source of traffic on this blog. Just checking, three of the most recent ten searches were also on Judith Wright. I suspect the traffic will die down once the year 12 exams are over. In the meantime, it is nice to think that at least some of my writing is being read.

The next search was on blogscope -Armidale - and found at 3 Armidale 1945 VJ parade. This is a short photo post.

Then came a search on a search engine that I had never heard of, SweetIM. This search on landscape new england australia brought in at 3 The past is always present - the Country Party. I hope that the searcher was not too disappointed because this post deals with the political landscape!

Then came a search on Google Australa, whole web, death at copeton dam. This brought up the blog front page simply, I think, because I had a story on New England dam levels, although I have run a story on fishing at Copeton dam since. In similar vein, a Google Australia, whole web search on glenbawn dam history brought up the front page at number 12.

A Google Australia, whole web search on nsw new england railway brought up the Great Northern Railway - End of the Line Continued: Wallangarra Railway Station at number 3.

Then came a post on Google Australia, whole web, armidale white bull. This brought up at number 2, The End of Armidale's Club Hotel, a story of the rebuilding and renaming of the pub.

Finally, a search on Google - Golden Heart Contest Dallas Texas - brought up at 3, New England writer wins Golden Heart Award, the story of Bronwyn Clarke's victory.

In all, a mixed bag!

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