
Tuesday, May 08, 2018

NERAM's Robert Heather to join UNE: he will be missed

On 3 May  Andrew Murray, the Chair of the New England Regional Art Museum (NERAM) announced that NERAM's Director Robert Heather would be leaving NERAM on 22 June to take up a position of Director, Advancement, Communications and Events at the University of New England.

Mr Murray made the announcement with considerable regret, noting that the appointment was an affirmation of Robert’s talents.

"Robert has been leading our Art Museum for just short of three years", Mr Murray said. He ":has made a significant impact in this time, with renovations to the building, new LED lighting, solar panels and the wonderful HINTON permanent exhibition development. He and his team have provided us all with engaging exhibitions, stimulating lectures and vibrant events. Robert has also developed many friendships for NERAM both locally and within the national art community."

"The Board wishes Robert every success in his new career and we thank him sincerely for the contribution he has made to our gallery and our region since moving here from Melbourne. The Board has commenced a search for a worthy replacement as Art Museum Director at NERAM and we expect there to be considerable interest in the role."

"During the likely period between Robert’s departure and the commencement of a new Director, our Manager Curatorial and Exhibitions, Ms Rachael Parsons will become Acting Director."

As I write, I'm listening to the ABC program on the opening of the permanent Hinton collection at NERAM.  It's worth listening too, a very good program. .

NERAM has had some good Directors. Robert has been one of the best with his constant attention to the promotion of NERAM as a cultural icon not just for Armidale but for the broader North. I know that Robert will give good service to UNE, but we will miss him.

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