
Friday, June 12, 2015

Apparent demise of North Coast Voices

It is remiss of me not to have mentioned this before, but on 17 May North Coast Voices ceased publication. I quote from the final post:

Due to events beyond our control North Coast Voices will not be posting until further notice. 
For this we apologize to all our regular readers and to those that just drop by from time to time on a whim.
The first NCV post was on 9 October 2007. Since then, they have kept a stream of posts going, generally from a Green left perspective.

Sometimes NCV used to annoy the hell out of me, but I will still miss them.

The end was very abrupt. There were two earlier posts on 17 May and then, suddenly, came the final post. All three were posted in the early hours of the morning within a short time of each other. It was like a snap, something that I can understand.

I have no idea what the problem was/is. I can only offer my thoughts and a deep felt wish that things sort themselves out.  

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