
Wednesday, November 12, 2014

The 24 states of Australia

Noric Dilanchian pointed me to this one from Maps on the Web. It's not quite accurate. You would have had two new states in Queensland, North Queensland in the north, Capricornia in the center. Both had long running new state movements. South Coast was more normally called Monaro. Interesting all the same.



  1. Coastal and inland regions rarely have common-interest. Try this one.

  2. Liked the map, anon. Will bring it up later. As a general comment, and I am talking specifically about Northern NSW,there were very considerable interests between coast and inland that have broken down to some degree over the last thirty years. I should explore that in more detail in a post.

  3. Jim cooee long time no writ just this minute found a little more on May Yarrowyck "Settlers on the Stony Creek knew one mob as the Yarrowyck Mob. The Grand daughter of one of the Yarrowyck mob and a member of the Kelly family was given the name May Yarrowyck to recognise her birthright. (Nimbula, Tingha Bullawangen Aboriginal People and Their Lnd p27..will keep digging .
    Kim Harvie

  4. Cooee to you, Kim. Nice to hear from you. Look forward to hearing more. Is that book on sale anywhere?

  5. A separate North Queensland State should have become reality in 1897 when a William Kidstone MLA (Rockhampton) proposal was passed on the Speaker's casting vote after a twenty for and twenty against split. Victory was within the grasp of the people from the North at last but on the following day a number of absent members of the Assembly advised Sir Hugh Nelson (Premier) in writing that the resolution was carried "in a very thin house" after a late night sitting. They recorded their dissent even though they had been absent from the house. The fact that Separation did not eventuate from that historic moment proved Archibald Archer's MLA (Rockhampton) warning that, “Forces of vast power” would oppose separation.

    Check this web site for more North Queensland state information and NQ flag:-

  6. It is impossible to develop polices for northern Australia without the creation of more northern states. e.g. North Queensland & North Western Australia

    The creation of the numerous states within the United States of America was the catalyst for its unparalleled development and so too would be the case for Australia. The development of the north can be driven politically just as much as it can be done economically. However, due to a lack of leadership and the triumph of rhetoric over reality the potential of northern Australia remains untapped. Our capital city centric policies encourage people to cling to the few capital cities of the south.

  7. Hi Edward and thanks for the comment. I will bring your site up on the main blog in a later post. I can only say that I agree.

  8. This is a great post thanks for sharing it
