
Wednesday, April 03, 2013

Sniffyness abounds in New England - Joyce, Windsor, Torbay, Katter and McIntyre - and the Express has fun!

My colleagues at the Armidale Express are having a lot of fun in the present political environment. Its all remarkably incestuous!Barnaby Joyce

Barnaby Joyce (born Tamworth, grew up at Woolbrook , educated at the University of New England where he met his wife) has been in the city seeking National Party preselection for New England in the place of  Richard Torbay, allowing his photo to be taken outside the Wicklow, the pub where he used to be a bouncer while studying. In doing so, he reassured the Express's Matt Nicholls about  his love for New England. I'm not going to knock that. Look at me, and I presently live in Sydney!

This photo of Barnaby, by the way, is not outside the Wicklow.

Tony Windsor (born Quirindi educated Tamworth and the University of New England and independent member for New England) has all been a little miffed about this, making his views clear. He wasn't impressed when Barnaby first indicated that he would like to run to the Nationals as a way of transitioning from the Senate to the House of Representatives, less so when the National decided against Barnaby and instead encouraged Richard Torbay to jump from his position as independent State member for the Northern Tablelands to run as National's candidate for New England.

Meantime, Richard' Torbay's sudden demise has been occupying newspapers across Northern NSW. I am still updating my post on Richard, with some more links to go up tonight.

But wait, in all this, there is more.

North Queensland independent Bob Katter was also in Armidale at Christmas time visiting his daughter, son-in-law and grandchild. Is there anyone who doesn't have an Armidale connection? Now another story by Matt Nicholls suggestss that Mr Katter is looking for a New England candidate for his new political party and making some very sniffy noises about MeNew political partyssrs Windsor and Torbay!

To add absolute icing to the cake, Setphen Jeffery reports in the Express that Pinkett raised (Pinkett is near Glen Innes) motivational speaker, entrepreneur and local landowner Jamie McIntyre has announced the formation of a new political party the 21st Century Australia Party and also plans to run against Mr Windsor in New England. Mr McIntyre has, it appears, been making extremely sniffy noises about Mr Windsor for some time.

See why the Express is having fun?! I have been too!

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