
Friday, October 05, 2012

Round the New England blogging traps 28 - a strange mixture

Congratulations to Keith Burgess on having A Woodsrunner's Diary selected by the National Library as worthy of permanent preservation under Australia's national electronics archive arrangement. Congratulations, too, to Bronwyn Parry on the forth coming publication of her new book, Darkening Skies.

Back in November 2011 (APN ceases daily publication of Tweed Daily, Coffs Advocate) I recorded the ending of the main print versions of two of the older New England papers. Over on North Coast Voices, Newspaper circulation figures show decline on NSW North Coast provides figures showing the continued decline in newspaper circulation for the Northern dailies. It still makes me sad, although I don't think that any of the chains help themselves.

Paper April-June 2012 Variation %
Daily Examiner, Grafton (M-F) 4,830 -8.35
Northern Star, Lismore (M-F) 12,700 -5.41
Maitland Mercury, Maitland (M-F) (January-June) 3,961 -7,06
Herald, Newcastle (M-S) 44,879 -6.7
Northern Daily Leader, Tamworth (M-S) (January-June) 7,084 -3.55

North Coast Voices also provides a critical follow up report on the closure of the Grafton gaol (This Stoner-Gulaptis pea and thimble trick would be laughable if it didn't affect NSW North Coast families) and reports on  anti coal seam gas activities (among others, Get ready to Rock the Gate on Saturday 13 October 2012 at Murwillumbah during the National Week of Action).

Staying with politics, on the Regionalstates blog, Ian Mott analyses (Another Poll, another new state mandate) the numbers suggesting considerable support for subdivision of Queensland into new states. Very similar sentiments continue to be expressed in Northern NSW.

Moving away from politics but staying in the Northern Rivers, Mark's Clarence Valley Today continues it's delightful photographic exploration of local life.

In Grafton, the Jacarandas are flowering. When I was in Armidale a week or so back, I noticed that the signs of spring were everywhere. It's a lovely time.

Jan's A Tapestry of Life is another Northern Rivers blog dealing with the detail of daily life. I find the domestic blogs relaxing because they keep me in touch with life across the North. The patterns of daily life vary a fair bit across New England depending on where you live, but it's always interesting. Thought of Jan in her vegetable garden; I have to water my own seedlings in a few minutes! 

I wanted another domestic post before going back Sharyn Munro has been away from her mountain (Spring hit) on a book tour. I still haven't added her books to my now 400 plus New England collection. Reminder to self - do so. Staying in the Hunter, Tricia on little eco footprints hasn't posted since 21 September. But her post then, Do you embrace moments of silence?, struck a chord.

In maintaining my blog list and on these reviews, I pick up not just New England blogs but those who blog with New England connections. We are varied lot.

One of Don Aitkin's claim to fame is that he was the first student admitted to the newly autonomous University of New England. In addition to his other writing, Don is now a blogger. You will find his blog here. Over at his place, Winton Bates worries Is it the duty of government to realize the good life for all citizens?. Wint6on was at UNE with me and features in Matthew Jordan's history of UNE, A Spirit of True Learning. On Matthew, I see that he is now an Executive Officer in the Historical Publications and Information Section of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. That strikes me as a useful link!

Finishing on a strictly parochial note, one of the really wonderful things about blogging and the on-line world is the way my New England focus brings me into at least indirect contact with all sorts of people with New England connections that I would not otherwise know. Many would not consider themselves New Englanders in the way that I use the term.

Consider this post by Richard Tsukamasa Green on Club Troppo: Australian Art : In the suburbs, and below them. I bet you didn't know the new book that Richard refers to.

Well, I'm out of time.  

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