
Thursday, August 02, 2012

Journey down the Gostwyck road

Over on Clarence Valley Today, Mark has ventured beyond the Clarence onto the Tablelands, exploring the byways to Gostwyck. From the look of it, Mark took the eastern road out of Armidale. While a designated tourist road, this is a fascinating drive known by far too few people.

This is the first photo from Mark's trip. I quote: 

Our first stop is the unusual and privately built Dangarsleigh War Memorial.
It was erected by A H Perrott of 'Chevy Chase' as a  WW1 war memorial to 16 local lads, one of these being his son Alfred who died on Passchendale Ridge in 1917.

Because the blog posts work back in time, I thought that I would give you all of Mark's posts on his drive from oldest to newest so that you can follow the trip through:

It's only a taste, but I hope that you enjoy it.

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