
Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Remembering the Tamworth Boys Home

The Tamworth Boys Home was opened in 1947. On 16 DecembeBoys line up at Endeavour House in Tamworth.r, the ABC's 7.30 report carried a story (video and transcript here) on the horrors of the place.

That same day, ABC news carried a further story with a little more detail. The photo is from that story. Back in 1999, Submission - Inquiry into Children in Institutional Care, outlined the experience of another inmate at the institution. You will find the archival records for the Home here.

It's just a small snippet of New England's history, but one that I thought that I should record.

I have the strong impression that the Second World War period saw a distinct harshening in aspects of Australian life. However, that's something that I will explore further on the New England history blog


  1. I was sent there twice,once for 6 months the second for 7 months absolutely horrific what I went through,absolutely ruined my life,I still suffer to this day.

  2. I'm really to sorry to hear that. Melvin.

  3. Tied up with a stocking on the train to Tamworth 6 am on your way to your first reception sign on the wall said NO TALKING you where asked to read the sign if you did you talked if you did not read the sign you disobey that's when you realised the screws were worse than the inmates often wondered if these people had sons of their own 7months of hell ruined my life at 62 years old I still cannot forgive any of them

  4. I'm sorry for the delay in responding, Digo. That's another sad story

  5. Jim thanks for creating this blog it's an outlet for myself and anyone else that went through that hole before 1976 this is not reflection on Tamworth or the New England area as I know it's full of wonderful caring people I have always looked for answers when your life begins in poverty and alcoholism it leads to government care and police harassment witch then leads to violence and hate in saying that it was my behaviour that landed me in the Tamworth boys institiuon all I learnt there was how to take a flogging People will never understand what real fear is waiting for daily brutalism government sanctioned cruelty Someone Somewhere knew and allowed this ! DINGO

  6. Hello I'm another surviver of that barbaric shit we all went through.There was no special treatment for anyone at what you would call nothing short of criminal treatment; we were subjected to from the day you got there until you left with that hate bitterness and the rest of the mental torture we were all put through. Appart from the mental trauma its the physical scars I still suffer from. As anyone who was there they would recall the sadistic games of football on a concrete; where you had to tackle each other and wait for the screws to say play the ball after they got there satisfaction at watching us attack each other.After one such game I broke my leg' when I complained and limped on this fractured fucking leg I was still put through the 5.30am run jump push ups 100 at a time if I recall for the next 2 weeks until the doctor turned up.He took 30 seconds and came up with the usual shit and called me a malingra and threatened me with a flogging.Great! now I'm sweet to do more fucking damage to the leg and suffer every step for another 3 weeks.again I go to this imposter and complain about my leg; He finally sends me across the road to the hospital for an xray and guess what I had a fractured fucking leg;The best was to come I was told by the hosp it was to late to do any thing as it had knitted.To this day I still have the bruse to prove it there gain in all this? SADISM nothing short of anyway ill leave it there or ill end up writing a book of horrors.To all the other men who are still alive your not alone with those nightmares keep strong!!!

  7. This is an open blog, Dingo, and also to a degree one of record. I didn't construe your remarks as in any way critical of New England people in general.

    Your stories make for uncomfortable reading. Brad made me shudder. Comments will remain open to allow other people to comment.

  8. I was at Tamworth boys home from hell in March 1962 for 4 months when I walk in I was king hit kicked it was what was to come my father came to visit me in May and you could see tears in his eyes he ask me what have they done to me he compared to P,O,W my father didn't come back like a lot of other boys I went on to serve two long prison sentences I had so hatred from Tamworth

  9. Each and every boy that was incarcerated at tamworth institution need to write down their own testimonial we need to make a wrong a right It does not matter how we got to tamworth there was no education we were starved beaten abused by a goverment department child abuse sanctioned by the child welfare blokes like mr Keith Kelly sent his submission in to CLAN very brave Keith let's get this battle underway

  10. I'm so sorry for my slow reply, Dingo. I set your comment aside to think about it. Looking back at my original post. a number of the links have stopped working. I guess that's a function of the internet. It's annoying, though, because I wanted to recheck facts.

    I have been thinking about how to handle this. I will bring up a revised story and repeat the comments, call for further information, put it on twitter etc and see what additional material we can find.

  11. Jim no apologies just to know that someone cares and thinks It has been a few months since my last blog opening this subject has been difficult blokes like Brad and Unknown might make you shudder but that's only the tip of this unfortunatley to me there stories were the norm just another day in ( paradise ) not one boy missed out on corporal punishment or dietary punishment depending on how these punishments were delivered and who did them is part of the cruelty lack of medical is another component plus endless mind games Jim hopefully further info comes forward I am willing to talk to anyone on this subject Dingo

  12. Thanks, Dingo. I haven't brought that new post up yet. When I do, I will cross-link here so that you know.

  13. my dad went there more than once never said much as he wasnt proud but he always told me they had hard discipline and hard lads and harder old ww2 guards/helpers there , he was there a few times...he told me how they played mind games with the kids and they had cells that they had a trapdoor where hangings used to happen in the olden days?( maybe im wrong and didnt here him properly but im pretty shore he said that), they tried to break them...also that doing big boys jail was easy due to what tamworth taught them, i understand in the system it was notorious even to lads in jail, they knew what it was.... my old man is well known in inner sydney(redfern,glebe,alexandria and ultimo)

    1. Yes the trapdoor and 2 condemned cells were still there on the top landing.
      There was also a trapdoor on the bottom floor which they lowered the executed prisoners through.
      I spent 9 months there in the 70s and still have trouble walking because of a cracked spine i received from a flogging by 2 gaurds.

  14. Thanks for this unknown after a very long response delay. Your comment adds to the picture.

  15. as a district Officer with a boy a repeat offender before the courts he was looking at Tamworth but investigating his background it appeared he's never had a fair go so I recommended probation and he never reoffended as far as I knew I saved him thank God from Tamworth

  16. I was twice 1967,1968 these stories are a bit over the top.we had great food which they would take off you for punishment. The football ball story bit much far as I knew it was always cricket because no touching. When you where taken there it was always a good old security guy. The stocking story a bit much, bashing apparently used to happen early sixties I got a punch in the guts once but once again no bashing. I have a few things to tell but probably no good because it ain't bullshit. Cheers no11 67 no21 68

  17. Drop us line Jim talk about a book I had quite a interesting child hood in these institutions Minda,Albion St Westbrook I absconded from their. Mt Penang Absconded from their Tamworth Twice Then two stints in the big house.knew a lot of old crims hope to hear from you.cheers
