
Sunday, July 24, 2011

Manning River Winter festival 2012 dates set

There is already a Manning River Summer Festival. Now I see from the Manning River Times that there is a Winter Festival as well.

Next year's Festival will be held over a four day period, June 7-10, 2012.

Sixty-four organisations have been approached and the organising committee is awaiting responses from them.

Roger Woodward, world renowned concert pianist, will appear in an afternoon concert at the Manning Entertainment Centre on Sunday June 10, on the new grand piano.

Other events already scheduled are: the art awards at Manning Regional Gallery, combined choirs concert, artists walk and art gallery exhibition, possible dance or ball and the Melbourne Comedy Festival.

Should your organisation wish to be involved in the program next year, contact president Mike Collins (02) 6553 6659 or  Don Macinnis (02) 6552 3080. There doesn't appear to be a web site at this point.

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