
Saturday, April 30, 2011

Round the New England blogging traps 22 - a few personal blogs

A while since my last full blog round-up, although I have referred to a number of blogs since then.

On Canons of Medicine 2.0 my first experience with death in hospital ... records just that. I have been following this blog for a little while. It's simply a record of the life of a medical student at the University of Newcastle. It's unusual as a student blog, and is also a blog written from the perspective of the Muslim faith. 

John George Archer's blog is a relatively new one on my list. John is from somewhere on the North Coast. Short posts with a high visual content.

Sophie Masson's A la mode frangourou, another new one on my list, is an absolutely luscious blog, perhaps one of the best in Australia. French-Australian, Sophie is one of the better known New England writers and writes about food and lifestyle from a French and New England perspective.

All her posts are good. However, I want to mention one because it bears upon something that I have been writing about on and off for several years, the failure of regional areas to develop their own cuisines for both life style and tourism purposes.

The best French-style cheese outside of France looks at food in Tasmania where, to Sophie's mind, a regional cuisine is evolving. I won't go on at this point, but will come back to the issue later.

Denis Wright's My Unwelcome Stranger is another new blog on my list. I knew Denis at UNE, but did not know that he had a blog until very recently. Have a look at More Calliope tales (pt 4): Aunty Anne’s TV for a rewarding look at Australia's past. Denis is fighting am aggressive brain tumour; his writing is one response. 

Mother and son Shayrn Munros'  The woman on the mountain continues to provide a picture of nature and life in the countryside of the Hunter Valley.

This photo shows a rather large Eastern Grey Joey having a feed. I have to say mum looks very patient!

Moving to the Mid North Coast, Paula's life perchance is?

I don't quite know how to describe this blog, it's sort of a moving somewhat surreal story involving a cast of strange characters.

You are either going to like it or hate it! If you haven't visited before, I suggest you go back a few pages and then read forward.

Finally, some time ago I mentioned that Bellingen blogger Pip Wilson had been badly bashed in an apparently random attack, so badly bashed that recovery was uncertain. Pip is still suffering from the effects of the bashing, but has resumed posting on Wilson's Blogmanac


  1. Thanks, Jim - what a great idea to bring blogs from the area together. We can all help each other to publicise what we are writing in this way. Although many of us write mainly for family and friends, it is very heartening to realise that our blogs can have a wider audience.

  2. Hi Denis. In a sense, that's just my thinking.

    My aim in mentioning, sometimes promoting, specific New England blogs as well as New England blogs in general, is in part to build cross-links. It also makes aspects of New England life more accessible to those in New england and beyond.

    One point to my mind about blogging is that while we all write for own purposes, it is a public platform. I am trying to build from that.
