
Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Bogged down in writing

Still bogged down in my writing. It's frustrating. I seem, am, all over the place. A post om my personal blog, We need a management revolution, deals with one aspect of my current thinking.

It would be much easer if we had  our own Government. I could then focus on New England issues, dealing with broader questions as they affect New England. I guess that I try to do this anyway, but its hard when we don't formally exist.

Formal boundaries are deeply embedded in current thought. They affect every aspect of life.

Those of us from the North have at least a feeling as to what we are, although we way disagree on boundaries. Those outside don't see us, don't accept that our concerns outside the local or narrow regional are legitimate. How can you have legitimate concerns if you don't exist? If you don't appear as a recognised line on a map?

You will see that I am a little depressed at present!

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