
Sunday, September 26, 2010

Newcastle's spring of discontent

Sitting here in Santorini so far from home, Australia seems very remote. Still, I did finally get to check emails plus do a limited media search.

I won't be able to post properly until I get home, but I was struck by the rising tide of agitation in Newcastle against Sydney control. There comes a point when the totality of errors and neglect reaches critical mass, when no matter what a Government does it's all just too late. I think that Newcastle is at that point now.

It's actually quite interesting in a historical context. Each wave of new state agitation since the 1850s has come from a different area. It seems to be Newcastle's turn now.

Anybody who reads this blog will know of my personal support for New England self-government. Speaking objectively, it is difficult to know with certainty how Newcastle discontent will play out. What can be said with certainty is that, for the first time in several decades, a Northern or New England new state is back on the Newcastle agenda. It is going to be fascinating to watch developments.


  1. Jim, you are right - there comes a point of no return. There is almost nothing that NSW can do now to reverse the discontent in Newcastle. Buying a derelict property here or there certainly won't do it.

  2. Interesting Greg. One of Sydney's problems is that they have no idea how Newcastle and the Hunter might fit in. It is much easier from a New England perspective because there are clear reasons to promote Newcastle and the Hunter as an integral element in a broader whole, including promotion in opposition to Sydney.
