
Friday, July 02, 2010

Welcome visitor 35,000

stats June 10 2 Visitor 35,000 arrived a few days ago. He/she came from Melbourne, arriving on the site after a google search on water blogs. This brought them to Water Wars - the Darling floods.

The attached graphic shows monthly visits (yellow) and page views (yellow plus red)over the last twelve months.

The last time I showed this graphic, there was a helpful presentational suggestion. Unfortunately, I am limited as to what I can do at present re editing.

The first post on this blog was in April 2006. Initially traffic was slow; 9,923 visits by end December 2007, then rising to 18,936 by end December 2008. 2009 was better still, but the traffic really accelerated from the start of this year. All good, I think! 

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