
Saturday, April 17, 2010

More Hunter calls for separation from NSW

I am on a bit of a Hunter Valley roll at a moment.

In January I reported on Hunter Valley calls for a Northern NSW New State. On 14 April I reported on The importance of regional environmental impact statements, a post that dealt in large part with problems created with coal development in the Hunter. Then in Background briefing - Hunter Coal, I looked at the overall pattern of coal development in the Hunter.

Now the expropriation of Camberwell Common has led to further calls in the comments for separation from NSW. The momentum is slow, but increasingly clear.

As I said to Peter Firminger in a comment on the new New England New State Movement Facebook page, I support a broader New England new state on both practical and emotional grounds. However, if the only way to get the Hunter Valley out from under Sydney is via regional government, I would support that too.

In the The fragmentation of NSW I suggested some of the reasons why NSW as presently constituted had passed its use-by date. How can the Sydney Government manage an entity that no longer makes sense, if indeed it ever did!

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