
Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Armidale Kempsey Road Passing Cars 1920s

Following Armidale Kempsey Road Bullock Drays 1920s, another photo from John Caling, this time a family shot on the Armidale Kempsey road on the way to holiday at Port Macquarie.

If you click on the photo you will get far more details. I would be interested in your comments because I think that there is some fascinating stuff in the detail.  


  1. Hi Jim my name is Jamie Schmidt my ancestor Henry Sauer built several sections on the Armidale to Kempsey road between 1878 and 1881.The section at Flying fox cutting sent him bankrupt as the superintendant asked him to widen it,perhaps unwisely he borrowed to pay for the work but the government refused to pay him.I have a great article from the Macleay Chronicle 28.04 1904 in which he explains some of the difficulties experienced in building the road.

  2. Hi Jamie. What a fascinating snippet! Any chance of getting a copy of the Macleay Chronicle article?

  3. Hi Jim I'll send you up a copy just need your postal details my email adress is
