
Saturday, March 07, 2009

Round the New England blogging traps - 5

Posting is still a problem because of continuing computer and internet problems. Sigh. Still, in the midst of troubles I thought that I might do a short round up of New England blogs.

I see from Bronwyn Parry Australian Romantic Suspense that book two, Dark Country, is due out in September. I thought that the first one, As Darkness Falls, was pretty good, so I am really looking forward to it.

Moving north and east from Bronwyn's home town of Armidale, I see that Lynne Sanders-Braithwaite has been visiting Bangalow. That took me back. It is years since I have been there.

Hard to believe that when I first visited nearby Byron Bay it was a sleepy seaside town. How things change!

Moving a little south, North Coast Voices continues its mixed commentary on local and broader issues.

I have to thank NCV for drawing my attention to the Crikey Andrew Bolt episode. One of my problems in this largely off-line period is that I do not have access to my bookmarks. It is too time consuming to search on individual sites unless I have a very specific reason for so doing, so I am getting very out of touch.

Moving further south to Bellingen in the beautiful Bellinger Valley, Pip Wilson's Wilson's blogmanac continues its eccentric path. I am never quite sure what he will come up with, but I do learn something new every visit.

Moving inland again up the Waterfall Way to Armidale, Keith Burgess had an interesting post on the THE SOUTHERN CROSS FREE TRAPPERS of Victoria., a pre 1840s living history group.

The living history movement, I think that we can call it a movement, is an interesting one. I started off thinking of it as a bit strange, but beyond fun its not a bad way of really understanding the past - learning by doing, so to speak.

Moving south and finishing in the Hunter, I am really frustrated that I have not been able to visit Media Hunter and its sibling blog Marketer.

These are very good blogs. I promise that when I get properly back on line I will do a serious full review of both.

There, at last a post. Hopefully more soon.

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