
Sunday, February 01, 2009

Round the New England Blogging Traps - 3

I have decided to standardise on either Saturday or Sunday to do my round-up of New England  blogs. Doing this weekly forces me to do my blog review. This is actually quite hard because otherwise I get sidetracked.

Woodford Dale Public School lies to the north east of Grafton on Woodford Island near the Clarence River. The school has just begun its own blog, still a rare event for a NSW primary school. My thanks to North Coast Voices for alerting me to this.

Moving north, LYNNE SANDERS-BRAITHWAITE  has been mourning a lost love. I can understand this. I was also pleased to see Lynne's praise for Centrelink at  Murwillumbah.  

Last year I ran a series of workshops around NSW for community housing managers on new rental approaches. Centrelink presented at each workshop. This led me to write  Praise for Centrelink and then a little later, In Praise of Centrelink Mark Two.

In the second post I mentioned the second Grafton workshop. There the Murwillumbah Centrelink office was partially featured, so I felt an immediate connection to Lynne's comment.  

20090111-10-19-29-new-england-national-park-lyrebird-track Gordon Smith on lookANDsee has returned to the New England National Park. This photo shows the Lyrebird Walk.

I am still puzzled as to the reasons why the sheer beauty of the New England countryside is so poorly recognised.

Over on Media Hunter, Craig Wilson in Loss of Localism mourns the changes to Newcastle's radio 2HD that have effectively destroyed local content. I remember 2HD because I used to listen to it while visiting Newcastle.

Craig is dead right. Driven by economics, the loss of localism is a real problem. The media ceases to represent the people it serves.  

Over on The Marketer, Craig's work partner Gordon Whitehead had  the quire remarkable story of Hyundai Motor America's offer to their customers. If the customer loses his/her job within one year of purchase, they can return the car. Talk about a recession beater!Dion Archibald

On Art News Blog, Australian painter Dion Archibald (the photo shows one of his paintings) has a disturbing story, Paris Street Painters Lose to Cheap Chinese Paintings

Those who have been to Paris will remember the small stores along the river. Many, me included, have bought a painting of Paris to remember the experience. But made in China?

Moving north to Bellingen, Pip Wilson continues to provide  strange facts and anniversaries from our past.

And, finally, Armidale romance writer Bronwyn Parry is struggling to finish her latest book. I know how she feels!    

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