
Wednesday, July 23, 2008

New history of Inverell's Byron Arcade

Photo: Inverell Times. Inverell District family History Group Inc members Julie Regan, Joselyn Griffey and Muriel Resta talk about the new history of Inverell's Byron Arcade.

The Inverell Times reports that the Inverell District Family History Group Inc. has produced Our Place, a comprehensive and colourful account of the history of Byron Arcade on the corner of Otho and Evans Streets.

Construction of the magnificent building began in early 1902 and was built for George Cruickshank, MP for Gwydir.

Named after his property, Byron Station, the arcade cost 13,000 pounds Sterling to erect and included 32 shops. Over the years it has seen dentists, photographers, music teachers and a myriad of other businesses operate under its roof.

Our Place is available through the Inverell District Family History Group Inc at a cost of $30 and contains a full history of the building and every resident and business that has occupied it since its erection in 1902.

There are full colour pictures of the beautiful building and old black and white images taken around the time of its erection.

To obtain a copy of Our Place, contact the Inverell District Family History Group on (02) 6721 1487 or (02) 6722 1893.


For those interested in Inverell's history, Inverell On-line has a very useful local history page.


  1. Hi there,
    the "local history page" link on this webpage: is not working.

  2. Thank you anon. I get so many broken links - it's the nature of the internet. I will try to see if there is a new link.
