
Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Kamilaroi Highway Conundrums

Since I wrote my first post on the Kamilaroi Highway, New England's east-west highways - the Kamilaroi, I have been mulling over a basic conundrum.

The five local government areas along the Highway have done a remarkably good job in raising the road's internet profile. However, this gives rise to a problem for me: any posts I write get lost in all the other references.

Most of the traffic on this blog comes from search engines. Here one part of my traffic comes from a large number of searches on individual items - people, schools, local events - that do not otherwise get internet prominence. Then there are series like the posts on Judith Wright that involve popular topics.

Series on topics like the Kamilaroi Highway fall in the middle. From a narrow traffic perspective, I would in fact be better off not writing them.

This where my personal purpose in writing the blog comes in. Regardless of traffic, such topics are worthwhile because they consolidate my own knowledge. Further, they help build a picture of New England's depth.

Again, as is so often the case, I need to take a longer term view. I am building for the longer term with the aim of making the blog a source of record on New England. This takes time. In the meantime, I will continue to enjoy the voyage of discovery.

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