
Friday, January 18, 2008

New England University Offers Out

New England's universities today released their first round offers of places to students under the centralised admission process. The benchmark here is the student's score on the UAI index, ranking students on a score out of 100 based on their Higher School Certificate (HSC) results.

Students have to nominate course choices at various institutions, and then gain admission if their UAI score is higher than that set by the institution for the course in question. In turn, this is dictated by relative demand for certain courses.

This is not the only admission process.

The University of New England, for example, has an alternative schools based admission process that allows students to gain admission in advance of the formal HSC results. This has become of increasing importance in recent years. Further, some courses have quite specific entry requirements independent of the HSC.

Looking at the UAI cut-offs, Southern Cross University has a UAI range from 60 to 90, the University of Newcastle from 60 to 93.6, the University of New England from 70 to 95.

All the universities have some course vacancies after first round offers, so there will be a significant second round once student choices from the first round are known.

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