
Monday, May 21, 2007

Technorati Sucks - Day 363

This is one of a continuing series of posts.

It is now 363 days since Technorati has updated this blog. This is not the only blog of mine that this has happened too.

This blog presently rank's 3,260,072 in the world. I have pinged them and recently emailed them. But they won't update.

I need to do something.

I assume that someone from T scans the web. So what I am now doing is this. Each day I will ping them. Each day that they fail to update I will run another Technorati sucks post. Let's see how long it takes them to pick it all up and do something about it.

In T's words:

Thanks for the Ping!

Technorati will now check for new content. You can bookmark this page and return to it to notify Technorati of updates.

Update - 24 May Day 366

Still no luck with Technorati, I fear.

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