Photo: New England flag
I have established this page to provide a source of information on material relating to new states in general, the New England Movement in particular. I will update progressively.
- Kingdom of New England. An entertaining alternative history site. Following a declaration of independence from Australia on 19 February 2006 and a bitter civil war, New England's status as an independent nation was confirmed by the Treat of Wellington in 2011. Initial relations with Australia were tense, but have improved following New England's victory in the five days war (2032) with Australia supported by locally based US forces.
- Potential New States Home Page. A web site discussing possible new states in Australia including some historical material.
- New States for Australia. Web site arguing the case for new states within Australia.
New England Archival Material
- MS 7990 - AITKIN, Don, 1937- (5 boxes) Academic and Country Party historian. Original minutes, correspondence, financial records and notes relating to Australian Country Party (N.S.W.) activity in the period 1919-72, especially in the New England district. Includes State records of the Progressive Party, Annual Conferences, Central Council and Central Executive, and Electorate Councils and a large body of Gunnedah Branch records. Other documents, including press releases, relate to the New England New State Movement, elections and election broadcasts. Available for reference. List available (14 p.) Australian National Libary
- BETTER COMMUNICATIONS LEAGUE: RECORDS. Minutes, correspondence, reports, maps, brochures, political speeches, submissions, newspaper clippings and other papers related to the activities of the League in forwarding its aims and objectives. According to its constitution, those objects were: "to take whatever steps may be necessary or desirable to obtain better communications for the northern portion of this State, but with initial emphasis on the completion of a) a new, modern highway between Glen Innes and Grafton, b) the construction of a deep sea port at Iluka c) the building of a railway linking Inverell and Glen Innes." A detailed provisional listing of these records (8p.) Is available in the Archives. c.1938-1978. A245 University of New England Archives.
- DODD RECORDS, 1876-1918; AND THE NEW STATE LEAGUE, (GLEN INNES) RECORDS. Includes records of the Glen Innes branch of the New State League, 1920-23. These include the Minutes of the inaugural meeting (24 May, 1920) constitutions, correspondence, leaflets, accounts and a petition. 9 vols., 9 folders. 1920-1923.A275. University of New England Archives
- DRUMMOND, DAVID HENRY: PAPERS. A large and miscellaneous collection of papers of the late David Henry Drummond from every period of his political life. Many of these papers discuss two of his major interests, education and constitutional issues. A complete list of this material is available on request. a member of the Joint Parliamentary. 20 Volumes, 37 Boxes. 1874-1965. A248. University of New England Archives
- MS 1006 - ELLIS, Ulrich, 1904-83 (12 folders). Political Secretary to Earle Page and Director, Federal Country Party Secretariat. Documents relating to his career as a journalist and his association with the Country Party, 1900-1961. Material includes: newspaper clippings; correspondence; notes and sources on the formation and history of the Country Party, as used for his study A History of the Country Party in Australia; election papers; collections of speeches by Arthur Fadden, John McEwen and Page; subject files on the constitution, transport, water resources, centralism and postwar reconstruction. Also documented are Ellis' work on the executive of the New England New State Movement and the political figures Lyons, Menzies and Bruce, and academic Don Aitkin. Available for reference. List available (5 p.). Australian National Libary
- MS 748 - ELLIS, Ulrich, 1904-83 (14 boxes). Includes: Australian Country Party (N.S.W.). Annual Conference record of proceedings, 1949-51; summary of decisions on resolutions submitted, 1951-52; notes on White Australia Policy. Available for reference. List available (7 p.) Australian National Libary
- Farrell, Tom Papers. Newcastle business man and community activist. Includes new state papers. University of Newcastle Archives
- MS 8471 - GRAHAM, Bruce Desmond, 1931- (2 folders). Academic and Country Party historian. Notes on oral history interviews made in 1956-57 while he was writing his history The Formation of the Australian Country Parties. The interviewees include Page, Weiley, Vincent, Bruxner, Buttenshaw, Budd, Main, C.L.A. Abbott, Latham and Bruce; emphasis is given to the activities of the New South Wales division of the Party. Also included are some documents relating to the New England New State Movement.
Information pertaining to interviews is available for reference; restricted access to documents concerning the New England New State Movement. List available (4 p.) Australian National Libary - GUNDY See under Northern New States League: papers, 1921-24 Waverley Station, Gundy: records, 1914-1961 1921-1924 & 1914-1961 A219 & A271. University of New England Archives
- HARRISON, P.N. Papers-New England New State Movement 1950s and 60s
1950's - 1960's. A1427. University of New England Archives - MS 7507 - NATIONAL PARTY OF AUSTRALIA (148 boxes). Comprehensive collection of Federal, State, Electorate and Branch records, 1915-1983 (bulk, 1950-83) including: minutes; files; election material; documents relating to Young Australian Country Party.
Restricted access. List available (19 p.) Australian National Libary - mfm G675, G7320, G7748 - NATIONAL PARTY OF AUSTRALIA. Microfilmed minutes of Inverell and other Branch Councils, 1927-56. Restricted access to G675; G7320, G7748 available for reference. Australian National Library
- NEW ENGLAND NEW STATE MOVEMENT, ARMIDALE: ANNE PHILP, INCLUDING ADMINISTRATIVE RECORDS. Headquarters records of the Movement in three 4-drawer filing cabinets. An index to the files is available in the Archives. 3 filing cabinets
various A547 University of New England Archives - NEW ENGLAND NEW STATE MOVEMENT: An extensive collection of papers, press clippings and printed material, meeting minutes and agendas, petitions and surveys, reports etc. Date range 1950s-1960s. 3 boxes. 1950's & 1960's. A1427. University of New Engalnd Archives
1964 - 1970. A811. University of New England Archives. - NEW ENGLAND NEW STATE MOVEMENT: FURTHER PAPERS c.1962 A963 University of New England Archives
1933-1961 A948. University of New England Archives - NEW ENGLAND NEW STATE MOVEMENT: RECORDS OF P.N. HARRISON 1950-60S.
1950's & 1960's. A1427.University of New England Archives - NEW ENGLAND NEW STATE MOVEMENT RECORDS. Newspaper cuttings and papers relating to the Cohen (N.S.W.) Royal Commission of 1924-5; correspondence (general and inter-branch); minute books, press releases and propaganda leaflets; convention papers. 1919-1960. A1. University of New England Archives
- NORTHERN NEW STATES LEAGUE, UPPER HUNTER DISTRICT. Minute book of the Upper Hunter district council of the Northern New States League, covering the period from the inaugural meeting presided over by Mr H.L. White at Scone (llth May, 1921). The league was formed by the combined representatives of the movem ent from Aberdeen, Gundy, Parkville and Scone; representatives from other northern districts were to join in later years. Minutes end with the meeting of 15th May, 1924, when arrangements were made regarding evidence to be given before the New States Commission due to sit at Scone on the 6th and 7th June, 1924. 1 Volume. 1921-24. A219. University of New England Archives.
- O'BRIEN PAPERS. (Re: New State Movement.). c.1963-68. A544. University of New England Archives.
- PAGE PAPERS. A large and highly miscellaneous collection of papers accumulated over nearly 60 years in the life of an eminent and many-sided Australian. Speeches, press-releases, correspondence and notes on medical, political, social, economic and family matters conce rning Earle Page at various times in his long career. 8 boxes, 3 folders.
1903-66. A1. University of New England Archives. - MS 1633 - PAGE, Sir Earle Christmas Grafton, 1880-1961 (ca. 250 boxes)
Leader of Australian Country Party. Substantial collection of personal, semi-official and official documents, consisting of subject files of correspondence, telegrams, cables, cuttings, reports, memoranda, speeches, Cabinet papers, press statements, parliamentary bills, statistics, election material and notes. Topics covered include primary industry, taxation and banking, foreign affairs, national insurance, federalism, industrial relations, constitutional reform and referenda, social services, immigration, trade, new state movements, formation of the Bruce-Page Government, and the Country Party. Bruce, Bruxner, Casey, Latham, V.C. Thompson, Lyons, Paterson, Spender, Menzies and Fadden number in Page's various correspondents. Official and non-official papers available for reference; restricted access to Country Party papers. List available (43 p.) Australian National Libary - SCONE. See under Invermein Station, Scone: records Northern New States League: papers, 1921-24. 1855-1934. A226. University of New England Archives
- WRIGHT, PHILLIP ARUNDELL, DIARIES. The personal diaries of Phillip Arundell Wright of "Wallamumbi Station" from 1906 to 1945. A breakdown of the contents of the diaries by year exists for a little under half of the material. 3 Boxes RESTRICTED 1906-1945. A635. University of New England Archives.
- WRIGHT, PHILLIP ARUNDELL, DIARIES. RESTRICTED 1946-1970 A666. University of New England Archives
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