- S C Caldwell, "New England Politics 1856-1865. An Examination of the Electorate of New England Constituencies which throws some light on New South Wales Politics during the First Decade of Responsible Government", BA (Hons) thesis, University of New England, 1958.
- U R Ellis, "New Australian States", The Endeavour Press, Sydney 1933. This partisan account (Ellis was a new state activist throughout his long career) remains the only overview of the separation movements across Australia.
- G J R Linge, "Industrial Awakening. A Geography of Australian Manufacturing 1788 to 1890." Australian National University Press, Canberra, 1979. Linge's focus is far broader than New England. However, his work explains the industrial change leading to the emergence of the Decentralisation Movements in the 1880's including a major focus in Newcastle in southern New England with the first support there for separation. The changing relationship between Newcastle and the rest of New England forms one of the threads in New England history.
- R L O'Hara, "The Influence of the Moreton Bay Separation Movement in New England and the Clarence", Armidale & District Historical Society Journal and Proceedings, No 11, December 1968. O'Hara's work helps explain why Grafton and the Clarence were such a core centre of new state support.
- E J Tapp, "The Colonial Origins of the New England New State Movement", Royal Australian Historical Society Journal, Vol 49, November 1963, pp205-221.
- E R Woolmington, "The Geographical Scope of Support for the New State Movement in Northern NSW", PhD thesis, University of New England, 1966. While Woolmington's core focus is on the later period, his thesis is invaluable in understanding some of the geographical factors underlying support for the separation movement.
Sunday, May 14, 2006
References Colonial Period New England New State Movement
In my last post I promised to provide references so that those interested could follow up. A list of references on separation movements in colonial New England follow:
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