
Sunday, January 16, 2022

Covid adds to the case for New England statehood

 With just three posts last year, this blog has been in sad decline! The combination of personal circumstances with covid has had a devastating effect. It’s not that I had covid, just that covid made life very disruptive and difficult.

Two posts this year on my personal blog (Covid woes - further failures in public policy, Covid woes - virtual lockdowns) look very briefly at covid policy issues from a personal perspective. Covid has demonstrated the continuing importance of the states. It has also provided very tangible evidence of the continued importance of our fight for New England self-government.

Because we don’t exist in a formal sense, because we have no power, the covid measures that might have protected us, that might have allowed us to manage, were simply swamped in that blancmange called NSW. We do need our own state.

1 comment:

  1. Jim,

    I thought the idea of a New England State had died when I left Armidale in 1960.

    It appears it may never die.

    Re you item about St.John's Hostel in one of your 2008 blogs.
    You did not mention that it was the site of a child abuse scandal .I remember reading comments by someone whose name I had forgotten (author of novel about a boy from St.John's on the opal fields)stating some senior boys (prefects?) were physically abusing (flogging)some of the younger boys .
